Traffic Information

By taxi: about 15 minutes/NT$200-$300 by taxi

TaiYuen HiTech shuttle bus: Take the shuttle bus of “High-speed Rail to TaiYuen HiTech Industrial Park" directly to the park on the fifth platform of the shuttle bus stop.

THSR Shuttle Bus: Take the "Taiwan High Speed Rail Shuttle Bus" at the third platform of the shuttle bus stop, get off at the terminal "Zhubei Railway Station", and walk for about 3 minutes to reach TaiYuen HiTech Industrial Park 

Take the train to "Zhubei Station" and get off, walk for about 3 minutes ,you can reach the southern gate of Taiyuan Science in the Technology Park.

Via National Highway No. 1
Get off at"Zhubei Interchange", head towards Zhubei, turn right on Xianzheng 2nd Road and go straight for about 2 kilometers to reach the park. 

Via National Highway No. 3
Get off at "Zhulin Interchange", head towards Zhubei Xionglin, turn left on the station 68 towards Nanliao, get off at the "Zhubei Zhonghua Road ", go straight along the Zhonghua Road, turn right at Sanmin Road, and turn left to Boai Street, than you reach the park. 

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